Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Imagination is the key to creation

When I was in college I had to take a statistics class which, I was told, would serve me well in the working world. The only thing numbers ever did for me was land me summer school but I needed that degree so there I sat, struggling to stay focused. One day the professor said something that blew the dust right out of my brain, "Statistics don't lie but you can lie with statistics." Now that could be handy. Little did I know that bit of wisdom, applied to the Law of Attraction, would lead me to a major shift in consciousness with huge payoffs.

The turning point was the day I received some bad news at work. Management had abruptly changed my hours and that was going to bite right into what little play time I had. My protests were noted and ignored and I went home hopping mad, then spent the evening and the following morning in lingering anger. I flipped through a few of my positive-thinking books, trying to reboot but when nothing kicked in, I ditched the books and got ready for work.

That's when I noticed it - a huge, creeping water stain on the ceiling and wall in my bedroom. I have neighbors above me and surely something was leaking. “Oh those annoying old people,” I thought, “he has dementia and probably left their window open during the storm.” I called the condo management company and the maintenance guy with a 911 then started thinking about what a disaster it was, not to mention the expense of repainting. Like I need this?

By now it was time to leave for work so I turned off the lights, my bathroom light being the last. As I left the bedroom, I glanced at the wall for one more critical inspection but what I saw was stunning. The water stain was gone. What? How could that be, where did it go? I went back to the bathroom and flipped the light on. Bingo, water stain. Then I flipped the light off again and, bingo, no water stain. It took a couple of tries before it dawned on me that the huge, creeping water stain – destined to unsettle my life for days or maybe weeks to come – was in fact the shadow of my ceiling fan.

So I called the maintenance guy and I called the management company and we all had a good laugh over my foolishness. As I was finally heading out the door, it occurred to me how ready I am to see something that’s not there, based on my expectations. Had I not pulled the plug on my imagination gone wild, I would have created an untidy, and unnecessary, mess.

It didn't take me long to understand that I could use this powerful combination of imagination and passion for my benefit so I did, and the results were astounding. Money increased, relationships became harmonious, and opportunities continued to 'come from nowhere.' As hard headed as I am, if I can learn this so can you.

You have the power to change your destiny - right here, right now - because you're making this all up . Every bit of it. Forget about the facts, the 'statistics,' that are staring you in the face. They are only evidence of the past, of choices made with conscious intention or unconsciously born of worry and fear. Your dominant thoughts about any life circumstance are etching out your future and when those thoughts are infused with feeling, the manifestation is guaranteed to follow.

You are not a victim, though you can go off the rails and react like one. You are a creator. That is your inheritance, that is your birthright. "I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High." Psalm 82:6. The Source of everything that manifests in the three dimensional world remains static, ever-waiting for your command to give it form. The story you tell , the love you give, the complaints you lodge - everything single thought that is launched into this glorious, creative substance is lovingly embraced by It as the desire of Its beloved, Its It does not judge the thought as worthy or unworthy, It only seeks to serve.

What is it that you are expecting to see? Are you using your imaginative power to serve you or unravel you? Make a commitment today to be conscious of what you are asking for through your dominant thoughts. If you are fearing a negative outcome to a worrisome situation, stop immediately and envision its opposite, positive outcome. Imagine yourself hearing the good news, being congratulated, feeling a sense of relief and completion. If you do this with unwavering faith and rest in the knowledge the outcome is certain, you will not fail.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Do you have your foot on the garden hose?

While I was working on the title for the book I'm writing, I found myself in desperate need of some inspiration. Everything I wrote sounded like infomercial shenanigans and none of it had heart. I was actually toying with Read This Book when I thought I should check out some titles of writers in the genre who were actually selling books. What a concept.

I went to the mac daddy of resources for readers and writers,, and typed in the keywords law of attraction. All hope of finding inspiration was immediately dashed when the search turned up nearly 1,200 titles, ranging from well known authors to wannabes. "Who am I to compete with the likes of Jack Canfield and Wayne Dyer?"  I said to myself as I slumped at the keyboard. "What could I possibly say that could make a difference?" I sprang right off the diving board and into an empty pool.
I've been there before, a lot, like the time I auditioned for a part in a school play and the director said he could use help with the costumes. Fueled by more passion than obvious talent, the following year I auditioned for a part as the cranky librarian in play that was one of several plays in a district competition. I had no clue I had a talent for character acting. I walked away with the Best Actress award. Never mind that they spelled my last name with an A instead of E, that little plaque cheered me up on the days I was lying on the bottom of the pool. It was time to get back on the diving board.

I decided to visit my friend Shawn, mostly because I feel better when I'm in his presence.  When I arrived, he had just taken a break from organizing boxes of old photographs. At first I thought the framed photos of exotic landscapes and unsuspecting subjects were collected from art shows. He quickly confessed he was the photographer and I was stunned, not at his talent but that he had only mentioned his interest in passing. One photograph of an elderly Greek man, sitting on white washed stairs beside an azure blue sky, was breathtaking. He had captured the man's very soul in such a striking way that I wanted to sail to the island and ask this man what he knew about life. I practically bellowed, "Why aren't you do this for a living?"

Shawn, and his photograph, reminded me of all that is sacred about life, the one and only you. I know this to be true. There is a gift and a talent you have for something that no one else can deliver exactly the way you can. It does not matter how many others are doing the same thing. I know that anyone with a scissors and the right training can cut my hair. Well, most anyone. But I choose to go to Craymon because I love who he is, I love his enthusiasm and the way he makes me laugh. I can find anyone to do home repairs but I choose to hire Tom because he takes the time to explain preventive care and is grateful for my business. Like Angela, my banker. Like Chuck, my mechanic.
Is there some talent you possess that your are dismissing or minimizing because you feel it is common or not valued by society? That is the very talent that will haunt you until you bring it into being. That is also the talent that, if ignored long enough, has the power to age you beyond your years through pure regret.

Remember this: When you think from a competitive mind, you immediately contract the most powerful law of the universe. There is no way the Law of Attraction can yield to your positive desire for expansion if you are standing on the garden hose, so to speak, and choking off the flow of creative energy through fear.  If you are looking over your shoulder to see what the other guy's doing, you are taking your eye off the prize and contracting your power to create.

The truth is there is no competition for magnificent you. No one, and I mean no one, will ever be able to pour the love and passion into your heart's desire the way you can. When you do what you love to do - no matter how many others seem to be doing the same thing -  something remarkable happens. People will show up in droves to support you with money and love and gratitude. And I promise you this, you will attract prosperity into all areas of your life, beyond your wildest dreams.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

When you don't feel it, you won't have it

Law of Attraction says whatever we think about most will, eventually, manifest in our life.  That's a powerful statement but it's also a little unnerving  given the sometimes compulsive way our mind works. If the thought is one of fear or desperation, then we're really off to the races..."I can't afford to lose my job, I'm afraid I'm going to fail, how am I going to get out of this one?" You can add your flavor-of-the-day to the mix but as students of the LOA it's important to remember that just thinking a negative thought isn't going to be our Waterloo. For any thought to morph into being, it has to include feeling.

Years ago I got myself into hot water when I managed a large territory for a national clothing company. My job was to oversee the merchandising of men's slacks in various department stores and one day I was assigned to do a floor re-set in Macy's. My new manager called the night before to verify that she would meet me there before the store opened. Because the job would take the entire day, the store's department manager had to be notified so she could do some prep work. The problem was I had done something galactically stupid. I had forgotten to prepare for everything...the re-set, the appointment, the notification. It's safe to say it didn't go well.
When I went home that night I was sure I was going to get fired. My mind raced all the way to the end of the story and by the time I went to sleep, I was wondering if my sure-to-dwindle income would allow me to collect food stamps. I knew enough back then about the LOA to know that if these toxic thoughts continued, I was bound to attract everything I feared. I needed to find a way to reverse the vortex of negative energy I was creating so I decided to start with an affirmation: I am appreciated and congratulated for being an outstanding employee.  
I placed it on the bulletin board in the entryway to my apartment. Every morning as I left for work and every evening when I returned I read it out loud to myself. At first it felt artificial but as I persisted, my thoughts began to turn from 'yeah right' to 'well maybe' to a feeling of relief. As I began to feel better, I behaved more confidently on the job and saw myself as a valued employee. Within weeks I was called on to solve a public relations problem with a major account, which I did, and more requests followed. When I finally left the division to take a transfer, I received a hand written note of appreciation and congratulations on a job well done. Just as I had imagined.
I want to be clear here, an affirmation alone isn't going to turn the tide. Mirrors and walls are littered with affirmations of LOA students who are still reaching for the dream. They are one of many tools that can move you forward but whatever the tool, the goal is to shift out of your present mental state of defeat or fear and into a state of the wish fulfilled. The formula contains both thought and feeling. Emotion is energy in motion and that energy is the creative force of the universe. It is non-judgmental, however, and will either produce results that benefit you or hinder you so be keenly aware of how your are feeling when you think a thought.
I'm a huge fan of starting small when I am on the learning curve. If you are feeling overwhelmed by your current circumstances and don't know where to begin, start by going general. One of my favorites phrases comes from Louise Hay, inspirational teacher and founder of the mega publishing company, Hay House. She rules her days with the thought that "only good goes before me." I like that one because it's easy to remember and it instantly emits a feeling of well being. You'll know the phrase that works best for you when get a feeling of relief as you say it. Again, you are after the feeling.

Don't collapse because you fail and slip backwards when you begin. You'll grow stronger in time as you learn to be conscious of defeating thoughts and turn them around before they grow claws. Success, however you define that, is an inside job. There is no one waiting to fire you - in fact there is no one in charge who can fire you - because you are the CEO, the Chief Emotional Operator. Choose the new thought, infuse it with feeling and persist till it exists. The results will astound you.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

If you want a new ending, tell a new story

Do you remember the last time you got caught talking to yourself? There you were minding your own beeswax, unaware of anything but the sound of your inner-turned-outer voice,  when someone walks into the room and catches you in the act. It happens to me more than I'd like admit to, like the day I was doing a little reminiscing at the copier. "Are up talking to yourself?" Lenny snickered as he crept up behind me. "No," I snapped. "I'm counting copies. Don't you have something to do in the mail room?"

I had been revising a scene in my mind with an offending co-worker, mentally substituting  "take that" for my lame "oh yeah?" In the end I got the last word but it started me thinking about how easily my mood can go from sunny to stormy with just one thought, and how that thought could rule my day. Pesky thoughts are eventually dismissed, usually around the time you've burned through all your friends on speed dial. Life-long patterns of negative thoughts, however, have the power to derail us for decades. They turn into belief systems and that can become a sizable challenge to reverse.  

We are a hardy bunch. When discomfort and pain become prolonged, we learn to adapt our lives to accommodate the dysfunction. Living without enough money year in and year out, for example, leads to clipping coupons and shopping for off-season bargains as a way of life. There's nothing  wrong with that -many turn it into a game - but in the quiet hours, when the root feeling behind the action is one of fear or sadness or depression, it's time to let go of  a belief system that is self-defeating and replace it with a life-altering foundation for success .

One step you can take immediately to turn your life around is to stop telling the same story. Author and spiritual counselor, Carolyn Myss, calls it bringing out your woundology. In the above example, ask yourself if you've been telling your story of misfortune over and over to anyone who will listen. When your friends are going to dinner, do you say you can't afford a night out then follow up with what a tough year it's been and just when things were looking up, you got slammed with an unexpected expense? The subject could be money or unrequited love or weight loss, it doesn't matter. As long as you keep telling the same story of frustration and desperation, the Law of Attraction will deliver to you more of the same story.

You have the power to change that using the same principles of the Law of Attraction that delivered you to a dead end (the Law is funny that way, it has no investment in the outcome). You can reverse any  negative trend - and even life-long patterns - by starting to tell a different story. My friend Abby refused to join her contemporaries in complaining about how slow business was when the economy went bust. "Business is good," she'd reply then go about her work day, expecting business to be good. When others were forced to close, she was expanding.

Abby's good fortune wasn't luck or timing or favoritism. Nor is yours or anyone else's. It's the deliberate use of one of the fundamental laws of the universe: Like Attracts Like. All creation begins with thought which pulsates into being through words. The final step in the creative process is to add feeling but the words we speak impact the feelings we have. Do you understand the link? Can you see how important it is to be conscious of the words you are choosing and the story you are telling yourself?

In the beginning, your new story may feel a little shaky to you. Years of erroneous thinking about your finances or weight or love life aren't going to vaporize into happy endings after a few tries. But stay with it and they will. Start small with phrases that are believable to you..."I'm beginning to lose weight, I know love is on the way, I always have more money than I need in the moment" ...and build on them as the changes occur. In very short order, the rest of your life can become the best of your life.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Don't let the past define you

Have you ever had to summarize your life in few paragraphs for, say, a resume or a profile page? It takes a little work to narrow it down to a few bullet points and sound like you've lead a successful life. I tend to leave out the part when I got fired as a salad girl for getting into a water fight with a kitchen hose. But when I had to write an update for a grade school reunion (we do that in the Midwest) I found myself dealing with flashbacks that were flat out painful.

As I thought about seeing my old classmates again, insecurities rolled in like a San Francisco fog.  I considered making stuff up - I mean c’mon, who’s going to Google it –but I decided to stick with the facts. I live here, I do this, I like that, Benjamin-the-cat died and pretty soon I’m going to be a well-known writer. No, a famous writer. So famous that Billy Jennings will rue the day he dumped me for Denise DiMucci when she moved in across the street and wound up stealing all my boyfriends. So famous that Patty Wojac will be seriously sorry she ever made fun of me when I danced the watusi at Susie Kramer’s graduation party. Clearly this was going to take longer than I planned.

Three days later I was still on the first paragraph. I wasn't coming from the space of the accomplished, witty woman I fancied myself to be, I was thinking as the eight year old girl who tried too hard to be liked. Images of the clothes I wore to impress, the parties I threw to be popular, the teasing I took to fit in came back in vivid, 3D style. I got annoyed with myself for lingering too long over memories that made me cringe. What was the take-away here, what good could come from reviving a world I couldn't wait to leave behind on graduation day? Then I remembered Miss Belinda.

I was in the second grade and Miss Belinda was writing questions on the black board. With each question she'd choose a child from a sea of raised hands to give the answer. She passed me by so many times I finally blurted out one of the answers. She walked up to my desk, pulled me out of the chair and literally shook me, letting the class know that I was a bad example of how a good girl should behave. That embarrassing moment kept me stifled for years until I suddenly I saw it differently. I didn't know it then but I was a born communicator. Nothing, not even a teacher with a hair trigger temper, could sideline it.

We can't change the past but we can change its present moment effect in our life. The people and events that we allowed, quite innocently, to define us can also be redefined. When we focus on the flip side of perceived flaws the powerful Law of Attraction shifts course. Like thoughts will attract like thoughts until a new you emerges. Do you remember yourself as a loner who didn't fit the mold? Loners turn into entrepreneurs precisely because they don't run with the pack. The neighborhood boy who kids made fun of for building model airplanes now owns his own law firm.

If you have a dream that is yet to be realized, try to locate the root thought that's stopping you then look for its hidden treasure. There is something special about you the world is waiting for - your gift for healing, your knack for creating laughter, your flair for design. Find that root thought, focus on its blessing then turn around and share your special way of being with everyone you touch. That's only fair to the other kids on the playground.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

This simple step can be your turning point

When I first started studying the Law of Attraction I learned that if I were going to change anything in my life, the art of visualization needed to be mastered. If I couldn't picture myself in a new career or debt free or in a loving partnership, the books explained, then I had little chance of shifting from perpetual dissatisfaction to happy endings. I could see it was important to get very clear about putting myself into the action through mental images. One of the tools I jumped on was creating a vision board of pictures and words that reflected my ever-after dreams. My creation was a dandy but the problem was I didn't read the fine print.

I started with a collection of magazines that would rival a library. Like a child lost in a kindergarten moment, I cut out pictures of fiery sunsets in Maui, happy couples smiling over a candlelit dinner and slim, vibrant women dancing, laughing, driving, doing anything that - I don't know - looked like I would look if I were rich and gorgeous and happily in love. Next I cut out words in mega-type: Powerhouse, You Make It Happen, Shine! And just so the fairy godmother-in-charge  wouldn't miss the message, I added fake hundred dollar bills and glitter. Seriously.
I took my new masterpiece and propped it up on the bedroom dresser. The goal was to saturate my subconscious at its most vulnerable, before sleep and as I awoke, just as the books instructed. Several weeks later things hadn't changed a bit. My car hadn't morphed into a Mercedes, no one had offered me a six figure income for just being me and "the one" hadn't accidently spilled coffee on my shoes in a Starbucks line. I'd like to say I figured out early on that there was a missing link but, as you've learned by now, I'm not a quick study. I kept cranking out vision boards every couple of years, sure that better pictures, zestier words and brighter sparkles would seal the deal.

Then I discovered the teachings of Neville Goddard, a mid-century master of the Law of Attraction. Neville's repetitive message is a simple one: for it to be real, you must feel it real. It dawned on me that while the pictures and words in the vision boards gave me an emotional high, I remained a passive observer in the creative process. Unknowingly, I had used them  to reinforce a "me here, dream there" perspective. I wasn't standing on the stage hearing applause and taking a bow, I was sitting in the audience.
Here's a simple but powerful technique from Neville's teachings that  helped me shift from keeping my dreams in future tense to here-and-now successes. Imagine yourself in a conversation with a good friend where he or she is congratulating you on your success. Do this, not as an observer watching yourself in the scene, but through your own eyes. Hear your friend's voice as she tells you she always knew you would do it, see the light in your friend's eyes as he shares the excitement of your new found success, feel the exhilaration of the moment as you and your friend stand in celebration of a dream realized.

There are two very important dynamics at work here. One, you put yourself into the action by seeing the scene through your own eyes and two, the dream is a reality. You've taken it out of the future and put in the past. The Law of Attraction always matches your current vibration. Feel it real and the Law will faithfully and unerringly deliver your desire.

If you would like to learn more about the extraordinary teachings of Neville Goddard, go to

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A little more about living your dream

After my post about following your dream, one reader expressed frustration over having many interests and wanted to know how to sort through them all to, as I wrote, target the bull's eye of your passion. Great question. A lucky few know what they want to do in life from early on but most of us find ourselves trying to choose from a kaleidoscope of life experiences. Using the Law of Attraction helped my friend Geri discover her true calling. It started with a cup of coffee, a pen and a quiet Sunday morning.

Geri was one of the most easy going people I knew. I was in awe of her ability to face a crisis and see possibilities instead of disasters. I mean, the girl just lived on the bright side of life. She even put pinwheels in my birthday gifts for crying out loud. She also had little interest in attaining titles, or awards or standing in the winner's circle. She just lived to be happy.

One day she found herself without a job. Geri figured in the grand scheme of things it was probably a sign - she was sure everything was a sign - and that God was opening another door. The conundrum was finding that door. Instead of going into a panic and collapsing on every friend she had with her tale of woe, like I would have done, she decided to trust her inner guidance. If God was speaking to her, she was going to do her part and listen.

Then on a lazy Sunday morning, she had a flash of inspiration. What if she picked up the paper and circled every job she would like to do regardless of the pay? Going with her gut, she investigated the categories - a circle here, a star there - until she hit pay dirt. Literally. She saw a listing for a landscape assistant and all the pieces tumbled together. She didn’t have a background in horticulture but she loved plants, she loved the outdoors and she loved the freedom of an unencumbered schedule. It turned out her employers-to-be loved her for the same reasons.

The company quickly learned how engaging Geri could be and that once their clients met her, they always wanted her back. She was sent out to work with some of the area's top home builders, who introduced her to the area's top interior designers, who gave her so much work she decided to open her own business - Green Space Designs. She never had to circle another want ad again.

I can’t say whether Geri checked the rule book on the Law of Attraction before she found her calling, she just did it. She asked through her longing for something greater, chose it, then allowed it to happen. Again, here are the key ingredients:

  • Ask
  • It’s important that you be deliberate about this. If you have many interests, make a list then narrow them down to your top three. Of those three, which one would provide you most with a sense of service? When we serve we connect, when we connect we love, when we love we become a prosperity magnet in every area of our life.

  • Receive
  • Everything you want or could ever want already exists. Think of all the possible outcomes on a game CD like Dungeons and Dragons. Choose this door, you slay the dragon, choose that door the dragon turns you to toast. Everything you could possibly want is waiting for you to choose it and as soon as you do, it’s received.
  • Allow
  • This is no small order. There is a buffer of time between when you ask and when it is received and here is where many of us trip on our shoelaces. We keep pulling up the roots to see if the plant is growing. Allow the Law all the time it needs to assemble the necessary components to deliver your dream and do whatever it takes to stay out of doubt until it arrives.
    Now go get that cup of coffee.